Revised by the Board of Elders July 2024

PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND NAME: The name of this church is Calvary Chapel of Grants Pass;
it is located at 269 West Harbeck Road, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527

PURPOSE: The purpose and objective for which Calvary Chapel of Grants Pass exists is as follows:
A. To Glorify God: Insomuch as the Lord Jesus Christ came to glorify the Father
(John 17:4), so too the purpose of this church shall be to glorify God. (Ephesians 1:12)
B. To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Insomuch as the Lord Jesus came to seek and save
sinners (Luke 19:10), so too the purpose of this Church shall be to proclaim salvation through
repentance, forgiveness, and faith in Christ Jesus as Savior. (Matthew 1:21)
For the disbursement and proclamation of the gospel of Christ and the word of God, through
sound teaching and preaching, in the hopes that all people, nations, and tongues may come to a saving knowledge and place their faith in Christ Jesus as both Lord and Savior
C. To make disciples of the Lord Jesus: As the Lord Jesus came to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20) so the purpose of this church shall be to make disciples of whoever calls on the name of the Lord for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ; To consistently assemble and unite the
body of Christ in fellowship to worship the Lord God under the leading of the Holy Spirit and to comprehensively explain, teach, exhort, and apply the word of God for the sake of equipping and the building of body as a whole in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, for the edification of itself in love, so that we grow up in all things into Him who is the head,
Christ-Being conformed into His image, taking on His nature and mind; unto maturity, to the measure and stature of Christ Himself; thus walking in the Spirit and living under the Sovereign will, authority and plan of the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
D. To provide comprehensive teachings that are based upon the authority of the Word of God to the families and children within the congregation. To promote and communicate through conventional modes of media for personal evangelism through the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to meet the practical needs of our family and community and beyond with the
resources that are made accessible and available to us for the sake of building an everlasting Kingdom.
E. To engage in the work of the ministry by extending, sending, planting, and supporting missionaries to go to unreached people groups who may or may not have heard the life-giving saving truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Declaration of Faith: Calvary Chapel of Grants Pass shall be a non-denominational church. It shall seek to unify all true believers by one faith, one Spirit, one Lord and one Father of all. It shall be the policy of this church to emphasize and give preeminence to the preaching of the Gospel of Christ, to the studying of the Word of God, and to the exaltation and heralding of the Lord Jesus.
In order to identify the church of Calvary Chapel Grants Pass as to align with that of
sound biblical doctrine, theology and Calvary Chapel Distinctives; being evangelical in Spirit, we set forth this general

but not exhaustive statement of foundational convictions, confessions and beliefs:

A. We believe in the inspired original writings of the Old and New Testament scriptures to be the complete and absolute truth, that they are the inherent and infallible verbal and complete
word of God and that it is the only rule of faith and practice.
B. We believe in the Trinity, that there is One God, eternally existing in three Persons:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
C. We believe that man was created in the image of God, but due to Adam's sin has inherited a nature of sin, and thus is alienated, estranged, and is separated from the life of God due to our sins, and are thus under the righteous judgement of God.
D. We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary,
and is the Son of God as well as the Son of Man, fully God in Deity, and fully Man in humanity.
E. We believe that the Lord Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures as a
substitutionary and complete sacrifice and offering for sin, and that all who believe, trust and
receive Christ Jesus for their salvation are justified wholly apart from works of righteousness or human merits that our sins are atoned for based upon the shed blood of Christ and that we are
justified and made righteous in God's sight based upon His merit and resurrection and ascension.
F. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of the Lord Jesus, that God raised His
Son from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit, that Christ has ascended into the heaven of heavens, and that He is seated at the right hand of God the Father the Majesty on high.
(Hebrews 1:3) We believe that Christ has been given all authority as High Priest Who makes intercessions on behalf of the saints, as Advocate who defends and pardons our guilt and Who is Head and Authority over the Church.
G. We believe that all who believe and receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born from
above of His Spirit and become the children of God and members of Christ's body, the one true Church, are not only justified but are being sanctified-whose life is both visibly witnessed and testified by the work and fruit of the Holy Spirit.
H. We believe that the Christian life is not reformation, but rather transformation, in which
Christ Himself lives His life through the believer by the power, nature and gifts of the Holy
Spirit; this new created life will be distinguished and characterized by a spirit of agape sacrificial love, having a steadfast faith, abounding in hope, walking in the sincerity and love of the truth, and will be clothed with purity pursuing holiness with an aim for righteousness.
I. We believe that God created man and woman in His image to reflect His nature and likeness. Furthermore, we believe that God instituted marriage that is to be between one biological man and one biological woman for the sake of showcasing the family structure as a sacred
relationship whereby God's redemption is reflected Christ Himself as our Bridegroom and we as His bride, which is to be witnessed in the world as unto the Lord manifesting Christ's
faithfulness and sacrificial covenant love toward us.
J. We believe that all human life is sacred being created by God; Therefore, all life, including
the unborn, the disabled, the mentally challenged, the aged, and any other stage or condition
from conception through the natural process of death is of sacred worth and value.
Therefore, we defend and protect all human life.
K. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the eternal blessedness of the righteous and the eternal judgement of the unsaved.
L. We believe in the physical, visible second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ who will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation and final judgment to establish His rule and kingdom on earth for a duration of 1000 years, until final righteousness is fulfilled, and new heaven and new earth is created-our forever home of righteousness.
M. We therefore believe that as the church we are commissioned by the Lord Jesus to go into all the world and teach and preach the gospel to every tribe, tongue, people and land and to make disciples of all the nations.
This statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs.
The Bible which is the inspired infallible word of God is the final authority on which we base all matters of inherent enduring truth, morality, and is the only exclusive source upon which to
teach proper doctrine and gain a proper understanding of proper theology.
God's authoritative word is the only foundational standard for the ethical conduct and character of a child of God.

A. The Sovereignty and Headship of the Church is Jesus Christ: Calvary Chapel Grants Pass shall be governed under the authority and direction of Jesus Christ. The government of the church shall be focused on seeking and maintaining the Lordship and direction of Jesus Christ over the ministry and any other activity in which the corporation is engaged. All those in authority shall continually seek His mind and will, through His Spirit and the Word of God in all actions and decisions.
B. The Oversight of His Church by the Senior Pastor and Board of Elders:
The Board of Elders, headed by the Senior Pastor, shall be the governing body of the church.
The Senior Pastor shall also be the Chairman of the Board and President and the primary
Bible teacher for the church/corporation.

 The Overseeing of His Church.
The Board of Elders shall oversee and guide the ministry of the church by precept and example under the leadership of the Senior Pastor. They shall pray together regularly, seeking the mind of God, and shall meet regularly to review the progress of the execution of day-to-day functions. They shall gather to pray and review the progress, informally, as frequently as needed for mutual counsel. The Board of Elders shall minister to the body in roles such as prayer, teaching,
counseling, evangelism, leading in worship, etc.
They shall also disperse themselves throughout the body and in its various gatherings so as to
enable and encourage the worship of God, the spiritual growth of the church, and the winning of the lost to Christ.
The Board of Elders shall have the following powers:
To recommend the election, appointment, removal, employment and discharge of the
corporation's Officers, agents, and employees; to prescribe their powers and duties to the extent consistent with law, the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws; to fix their compensation and require from them security for faithful service.
To provide input and guidance to the Senior Pastor concerning the affairs and activities of the
church, and to assist with the establishment of such rules and regulations not inconsistent with
the Scriptures, the law, the Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws.
To loan and borrow money and incur indebtedness for the purposes of the Church, and for that purpose to authorize to be executed and delivered, in the corporate name, and inform the body of any proposed loaning/borrowing.

C. Conduct, Actions, and Rules of Order within the Board Meeting.
1. All board members are required to attend the meetings, unless otherwise stated,
other means of correspondence shall include email, or via phone.
2. The Board of Elders shall vote and elect a board member to be the Secretary of the Board of Elders.
The Secretary duties include: to keep a full and accurate record of all the proceedings of the Board of Elders as per minutes during all board meetings. All executive decisions, determinations, and rulings within the board, must be recorded in
written form by the Secretary of the Board as minutes for clarity, accountability, and for legal and liability purposes.
3. All Executive decisions within the Board must abide within Roberts Rules of Order: A motion must first be made by a voting member of the board, followed by a discussion to approve, and grant favor or rule it out; if motion is granted, it shall be followed by a second voting member, and must be followed by a unanimous vote; if there is not a unanimous vote it must be tabled, prayed through, discussed at length until resolved. All executive motions must contain a quorum of the Board.

A quorum for any meeting of the Board of Elders shall be a majority of all elected Directors,
which must include the Senior Pastor or his designee.

If the Senior Pastor or his designee is not present, there will not be a quorum.
However, the Senior Pastor cannot refuse to attend a meeting that he is able to attend.
Regular meetings of the Board of Elders may be held at any place that has been designated by
the Senior Pastor and at any time designated by the Board, however, meetings may, at the sole election of the Senior Pastor, be conducted by telephone or by written agenda and discussion so long as a quorum of Elders vote on any resolution on the written agenda. If at all possible, all decisions should pass on a unanimous vote, however, a majority vote
will still constitute as a binding decision.
Regular meetings may also be held by conference telephone or similar communication
equipment, so long as all Elders participating in the meeting can hear one another and can
communicate with all the other members concurrently, and all such Elders shall be deemed to be present at such meeting.
Church Budget and Spending: The Board of Elders shall conduct, manage, adjust, and approve annually the church budget for the sake of disbursement in order to administer the practical
needs and affairs of the church. All such proposals shall only go into effect with the approval of all the Board of Elders.

a.) The Board of Elders shall elect a board member to be the Treasurer of the Board.

b.) The Board of Elders shall authorize the Treasurer to monitor and report the Church's financial condition and access financial institutions for the sake of observing and providing financial statements so that the Board can evaluate the reports.

c.) The Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor or the Treasurer shall have liberty to distribute not more than $500.00 of benevolence within a given 30-day cycle; any amount that exceeds shall require a unanimous vote by the Board

d.) The Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, and Treasurer shall be authorized to free up, administer and disburse the necessary or emergency funds of up to but not to exceed $1000.00 for the sake of ministry within a given 30-day cycle;
any amount that exceeds shall require a unanimous vote by the Board.

e.) Any budget that is for the purpose of capital improvements, such as borrowing money, that which incur a debt, that which would require the use of the name of the church, security, or promissory note, shall require a unanimous vote by all voting members within the Board, along with the final approval by the Senior Pastor.

f.) All checks, money orders, and cashier checks that are issued under the name of Calvary Chapel shall require two signatures, the first shall include preferably the Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor or Treasurer,
the second signature can be any board member that is authorized on the signature card of the financial institution.

g.) Every act or decision made by the Board of Elders shall be final and not subject to appeal;
unless voted upon by the Board of Elders to reverse the decision at a later time and date.

h.) All board members are those who do not benefit financially or materially from decisions made within the board,
(exceptions include salaries/housing allowance/intern housing)
when a family member is considered to be brought on as a paid staff member/or if a family member is already a paid staff member and he/she will be effected financially or materially from a decision within the voting members of the board,
the related Elder shall recuse himself from the discussion and voting on the motion.

Limit of liability: The Board of Elders shall not be personally liable to Calvary Chapel or its members for monetary damages (they cannot be sued personally) for their conduct as an Elder.
Calvary Chapel Grants Pass will carry liability insurance to cover errors and omission of elders.

Exceptions to this limit of liability include:
a.) Any breach of Elder's office or duty or which proves an unloyalty to the Church or its members.
b.) Acts done not in good faith which include misconduct or knowing of violation of law.
c.) Any unlawful disbursement or distribution of money or possession of church property.
d.) Any transaction for which the Elder mismanages for the benefit for personal gain.
(Subject to liable insurance restrictions and coverage)

Pastoral, Elders, Deacons, and Treasurer Positions
1.) President and Chairman of the Board (Senior Pastor)
The Chairman of the Board shall be the Senior Pastor and President of the corporation. Any
reference to one of these positions is a reference to all these positions. The Chairman of the
Board/President shall provide general supervision and overall direction of the ministry along
with oversight and management of all the affairs of the corporation. He shall preside at all
meetings of the Elders, and Deacons, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be
prescribed from time to time by the Board of Elders.
His Ministry
The Senior Pastor shall minister unto the Lord in regular personal worship and praise. He shall give himself to the ministry of the Word and prayer (Acts 6:4) and seek to walk uprightly before the Lord in his personal life. He shall seek the mind of God.

The Chairman of the Board shall be the Senior Pastor-Teacher of the church.
He shall give considerable time to the study of the Word and shall teach the Scriptures to others by precept
and example. He shall aim to teach the Word of God, including conducting Bible studies,
worshipping and sharing the message and good news of Jesus Christ, using personal evangelism, preaching, comforting,
and other activities directed for Christian purpose; and shall primarily
equip and assist others in seeking and finding the Lord and other ministry associated with such purpose. In all matters and activities, he shall guard the ministry against the attack of the enemy.
He shall be the President of the corporation, its Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of the
Board of Elders. He shall direct, manage, and oversee the business of the Church on a daily basis and give leadership to the Associate Pastors, the Board of Elders, the Officers, the Deacons,
employees, the general church body, and its ministries. The Senior Pastor shall have general
supervision of the entire ministry and all its dealings, whether spiritual, financial, or business­
related, and shall be in charge of all matters, decisions and affairs of the corporation, including but not limited to: gatherings and meetings, distribution of materials, Bible studies, hiring and firing of staff, evangelistic activities and support activities relating to assistance of other ministries or churches and their respective pastors.

His Qualifications (See 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9)
He shall be generally qualified according to the qualifications for an Elder.
He shall be a Spirit-gifted teacher of the Word, an ordained pastor of good reputation, Biblically conservative in theology, holding to Divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, Christ­
centered, Spirit-filled, and willing to serve a non-denominational ministry without promoting
denominational interests. He must also be firmly committed to and actively support the
Statement of Faith presented in Article 3 of these Bylaws.

His Appointment
In the event of a vacancy, the Board of Elders shall constitute a nominating committee. This
committee shall seek, find, and nominate a candidate. They shall seek first among the Associate Pastors from within the fellowship. Election shall be by unanimous vote of the Board of Elders. The resigned or retiring Senior Pastor may nominate a successor and/or participate in the selection of his successor.

His Compensation
The Senior Pastor's initial compensation, if any, shall be specified by the Board of Elders at the time of his election. The corporation shall provide, as possible, adequate salary, parsonage,
housing allowance, health insurance, other insurances, expense allowance, conference funds,
vacation time, continued education, pension, and other special funds as needed for his ministry and the care of his family. The corporation shall also defray the costs of sending the Senior
Pastor to out-of-town conferences or conventions attended for the furthering of his ministry. The Senior Pastor's salary shall be reviewed on an annual basis and adjusted as appropriate
considering the cost-of-living for the location where the corporation has its principal office.

Potential Termination
For the purpose of potential termination of the Senior Pastor/President/Chairman of the Board, all requests and or accusations from any party concerning the removal of the Chairman of the Board/Senior Pastor shall require at least two (2) witnesses who must (a) first bring the accusation personally to the Senior Pastor, (b) substantiate the ground(s) for removal and (c)
testify of facts, not hearsay, surrounding such accusations (1 Timothy 5:19-20) and, if there is incriminating evidence, then the evidence will be presented to the Board of Elders. The Board without the Senior Pastor shall meet and document its case along with all relevant supporting material and present it to the Senior Pastor for his prayerful consideration. Grounds for
termination and removal shall be related primarily to moral, financial or, other spiritual integrity issues as outlined in 1 Timothy and Titus and non-compliance with the Statement of Faith.
If the Senior Pastor agrees with the findings and willingly agrees to resign,
he shall submit his Letter of Resignation to the Board. If the Senior Pastor does not agree with the findings of the Board,
the Senior Pastor shall submit a written response to the Board.
The Board shall prayerfully and objectively weigh all accusations, issues, and testimonies,
concerning the charges against the Senior Pastor. If, in the opinion of the Board of Elders,
sufficient charges and evidence exist that lead them to recommend that the Senior Pastor be
removed, the Board of Elders shall recommend removal of the Senior Pastor. Should the Directors unanimously vote for termination of the Pastor, the termination process would then go into a Special Hearing. The members of the Special Hearing shall consist of three (3) to five (5) Calvary Chapel Senior Pastors. The members of the Special Hearing shall hear
from the Board of Elders and the President and make a ruling. A two thirds (2/3) vote of the
Special Hearing to terminate or leave the President in his position shall be binding and end the termination process.
The members who will make up the Special Hearing shall be nominated by the President and
then voted upon by the entire Board of Elders, President included.
A majority vote of the Board of Elders shall ratify the President's nominations.
The members of the Special Hearing shall be fully compensated for their travel expenses.
It shall be the prerogative of the Senior Pastor, after counseling with the Board of Elders, to
terminate the Executive, Associate, Assistant Pastors, if they are not in harmony with the
ministry of the church as directed by the Senior Pastor. All other staff require board approval.

2.) Executive Pastor
      a.) Qualifications:
The Executive Pastor must be an ordained pastor and hold to the same biblical moral character and spiritual qualifications
that are outlined under the Senior Pastor.
The Senior Pastor shall appoint, and the Elders shall ordain, the Executive Pastor to share in the ministry.

      b.) Duties, Accountability and Responsibilities.
1. The Executive Pastor shall be the Vice President of the Board and a voting member.
The Executive Pastor shall be accountable to perform his duties to the Senior Pastor.
3. The Executive Pastor's primary responsibility shall be to humbly assist, undergird and
scripturally support the Senior Pastor, he shall strive to be like minded and in one accord
biblically, so that he can carry out the day-to-day duties and fulfill the operations of the church.
4. Honor the Senior Pastor for his position:
"though you have many instructors, yet you have not many fathers." (1 Cor. 4:15)
5. Such duties shall include making administrative decision, to maintain the consistent unity and flow of faith within the pastoral/elder/deacon and congregation.
6. Honor the Senior Pastor for his service: "esteem the very highly in love for their works sake." (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)
7. Honor by guarding the Senior Pastor: The Executive Pastor is to deflect unjust criticism and guard the reputation of the Senior Pastor, especially in the area of personal issues that concern themselves within church divisions, gossips, and slander.
8. The Executive Pastor is to be an example to the flock in word, faith, love, and purity: to lead by example "not being a lord over God's heritage" (1 Peter 5:3)
9. He shall bear the responsibility of the oversight of the interdependent department heads of
each ministry and direct and oversee the staff and office personal in the performance of their duties as seems necessary by the Senior Pastor.
10. The office of Executive pastor shall not hold the office of the Treasurer.
11. In the absence or disability of the Chief Executor Officer the Executive Pastor shall
temporarily assume all duties of the Senior Pastor and in acting shall assume all acting
authority of the Senior Pastor as seems necessary by the Senior Pastor.

3.) Associate Pastor
       a.) Qualifications:
The Associate Pastor must be an ordained pastor and hold to the same biblical moral character and spiritual qualifications that are outlined under the Senior Pastor.

The Senior Pastor shall appoint, and the Elders shall ordain, an Associate or Assistant pastor to share in the ministry.

       b.) Duties, Accountability and Responsibilities.
1. The Associate Pastor shall bear the responsibilities for administrating that area of ministry
assigned to him by the Senior Pastor.
2. The Associate Pastor's primary responsibility shall be to humbly assist, undergird and scripturally support the Senior Pastor, he shall strive to be like minded and in one accord biblically, so that he can carry out the day-to-day duties and fulfill the operations of the church.
3. Each Associate Pastor shall oversee the performance within his department.
4. The Associate Pastor shall recruit, organize, and support such volunteers for the sake of proper function within the differing department heads that he is overseeing.
5. The Associate Pastor shall be reviewed periodically in regard to his accountability and responsibility by the Senior Pastor or his designate Executive Pastor.

4.) Deacon
       a.) Qualifications:
The Deacon must meet the Biblical mandate for his position and office which are required
qualifications clearly defined in (1 Timothy 3:8-121 (Acts 6:3)

He must be reverent, (governed by God) not be double tongued (upright in speech and character) not given to much wine (self-control) not greedy for money, (not greedy for wealth nor personal gain),holding the mystery of faith with a pure conscience (know the foundational work of the cross, and be walking in the light)
he must be the husband of one wife,
(consecrated in purity and to the covenant marriage with his wife, sanctified in both body and heart)
ruling their children and their own household well,
(he must manage his own house well, having children who are believers, subjected to him, not accused of rebellion toward God)

       b.) Duties, Accountability and Responsibilities.
1. The Deacon shall bear the responsibilities for administrating that area of ministry assigned to him by the Senior Pastor
and as clearly outlined in the Deacon's manual.

5.) Elders
       a.) Qualifications:
The Senior Pastor shall appoint, and the Elders shall ordain, a new Elder to share in the ministry.

The Elder must hold to the same biblical moral character and spiritual qualifications that are
outlined under the Senior Pastor.

Elders shall be men who have faithfully served and been involved in the Church for a minimum of one year and have demonstrated a unity of spirit within the leadership of the Church and must have a validation of the work and fruit of the Spirit existing in their walk, the Board of Elders may make an exception to this rule if these qualifications are validated and is recommended by another Senior Pastor from another congregation.

If one of the current B.O.E. (Board of Elders) members recognizes a man that meets the Biblical qualifications and
characteristics of the position of an Elder, he will bring that specific name up for consideration and prayer to the Elders.

The Elders will then go through a process whereby each individual Board member spends time with, gets to know, and evaluating his life, traits and qualities.

After a due process of time, the Elders would then revisit the topic and discuss their observations.

       b.) Duties, Accountability and Responsibilities.
1. The Elders shall be responsible for the Spiritual care and nurturing of the flock. This
responsibility shall be taken seriously and will take precedence in commitment, time and
effort on the part of each Elder.
All Elders are expected to participate in as many church activities and services as the church is sponsoring for the sake of coming along side of the vision and the mission of church.
(Exceptions vary and exclusions apply within any given circumstance)
3. The Elders primary responsibility shall be to humbly assist, undergird and scripturally support the Senior Pastor, they shall strive to be like minded and in one accord biblically, so that he can carry out the day-to-day duties and fulfill the operations of the church.
4. The Elders are to be given to the study of the word of God for the purposes of feeding the flock through teaching.
5. Elders will be accountable to one another in the bond of peace and unity of love regarding the discharge of their duties.
6. They are to be given in hospitality with a desire to personally know, love, tend and council the flock. They are to seek constantly for the unity of the Spirit and a bond of love that should be ever-
increasing within the body (John 17:21-23) (Eph 4:1-3)
7. The Elders shall carry out the various duties and responsibilities that are expected of them to meet the needs of the ministry under the direction of the Board.
8. The Elders shall advise, counsel, and pray for the Senior Pastor.
9. The Elders shall meet regularly to discuss and pray over the individual ministries, congregational needs, they shall seek to interpret God's will and direction through application of His word in order to conduct all spiritual, legal and financial matters.

       c.) Term and Office of an Elder
If an Elder feels he is unable to fulfill his duties or finds himself being called to stepdown,
he shall be expected to speak with the Senior Pastor and officially have his decision recorded in the minutes of the Board.
If the Elder fails to meet his moral obligations in accordance with (1 Timothy 3:1-7) (Titus 1:5-9) and does not meet his duties in accordance with the by-laws, then the Senior Pastor remove the Elder at his discretion and leading from the Lord.

6.) Treasurer
       a.) Qualifications:
The Treasurer must hold to the same biblical moral character and spiritual qualifications
that are outlined under the Senior Pastor.

The Senior Pastor shall appoint, and the Elders shall ordain, the Treasurer to share in the ministry.

        b.) Duties, Accountability and Responsibilities.
1.The Treasurer shall be responsible to maintain and supervise the integrity of the church's
financial records, ensuring that the Board of Elders policies are followed, that the financial funds and assets are properly managed, administered and stewarded.
2. The Treasurer is to maintain an adequate record of insurance, accounts, and transactions,
including assets, liabilities, receipts, and disbursements, these are to be reviewed persistently and maintained constantly.
3The Treasurer shall provide a current itemized financial report to the Board of Elders at each business meeting.
4. The Treasurer shall regularly monitor the bookkeeping department to ensure that all bills,
notes, liabilities, and commitments are paid on time and that all accounts are current and up to date.
5. The Treasurer shall supervise the financial activities of the Church and approve disbursements of the required and approved budget by the Board of Elders or the Senior Pastor, working in concert with the Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor,
and the Bookkeeper.
6. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility to report to the Church body
the financial status of the Church on a quarterly basis.
7. To produce various financial reports and records to any Elder who request such information.

7.) Church Bookkeeper
       a.) Qualifications:
The Bookkeeper shall have a practical experience in fund-based accounting and account
reconciliation, he/she shall be appointed by the Senior Pastor in conjunction with Treasurer.

       b.) Duties, Accountability and Responsibilities.
The Church Bookkeeper has the overall responsibility for the management of the accounting of all church financial business.
1. To obtain daily bills, enter all invoices submitted for payment, print, submit checks to
Treasurer for signature, mail checks, recording transactions such as income and outgoings and post them to various accounts.
2. To balance checking, savings, investment accounts and submit to Treasurer.
3. Count, tally and deposit all Tithes and Offerings, conduct daily banking activities.
4. To produce various financial reports and submit to the Treasurer for Board meetings.

8.) Church Secretary
        a.) Qualifications:
The character qualities in the secretary position should exhibit professionalism, excise
discernment and wise judgement, be of a dependable work ethic, a multitasker, being able to prioritize projects and circumstances and have an outgoing composure and flexibility.

         b.) Duties, Accountability and Responsibilities.
1. To answer, screen, and take phone calls; to maintain and organize reception area.
To order and inventory supplies and equipment as per requested and needed.
3. To maintain standard forms, church bulletins, and ministry literature.
4. To organize and maintain an updated church calendar, to pick up mail, to attend staff
5. To notify Pastors/Elders of congregants who are hospitalized, sick, injured, update prayer
6. To Coordinate with vendors and contractors for maintenance and or office equipment/rentals.

9.) Department Heads
        a)Men's Ministry
        b) Women's Ministry
        c)Worship Ministry
        d)Children's Ministry
        e)Senior's Ministry
        f)Outreach Ministry
        g)Sound and Media Ministry

1. Each Department Head shall be qualified to execute the responsibilities of their position for which he/she is selected.
2. Each Department Head shall be selected by the Senior Pastor in conjunction with Executive Pastor.
3Each Department Head shall bear the responsibilities for administering the roles and duties within their department for which they were appointed by the Senior Pastor/Executive Pastor.
4. Each Department Head shall recruit and organize such volunteers as necessary for the proper function of the ministry.
5. Each department head shall keep the Executive Pastor apprised of the condition of his/her
department, accounting for time spent, any concerns, and resources spent or needed.
6. All children's ministry must be preauthorized by the Youth Pastor and must adhere to the
guidelines according to the Children's Ministry Manual and Handbook.
7. Each department head shall be reviewed periodically in regard to their accountability and responsibility by the Senior Pastor or his designate Executive Pastor.
8. In the event of a Department Head vacancy any and all correspondence, activity and
responsibility shall be administered and overseen by the Executive Pastor with the Senior Pastors final approval.

Water baptism symbolizes the believers total trust in and reliance on the finished work of the
Cross of Christ. It is an outward declaration of an inward reality, that we are saved by faith in what Christ has accomplished on our behalf in His substitutional work and that this salvation is the gift of God by His grace.

We baptize because our Lord commanded it: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19)

It is the responsibility of the Pastor/Elder to teach the significance of baptism, before any person can be baptized, he/she must be a believer, one who has received and has accepted Christ as their personal Savior.

Before we are baptized, we must come to believe that we are sinners in need of salvation; we
must also believe that Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins, that He was buried, and that He was resurrected to assure our place in heaven in Christ with God (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

When we place our faith in Jesus, asking Him to forgive our sins and be our Savior, we are born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our eternal salvation is guaranteed, and we begin to die to ourselves and live for Christ (1 Peter 1 :3-5).
At that time, a believer is scripturally qualified to be baptized.

The believer is to baptized by being immersed in water, which symbolizes "buried with Him
through baptism into death" (Romans 6:4) this symbolizes the burial of the old nature of sin
being done away with that we should no longer be "slaves of sin" (Romans 6:6)
we are raised out of the water which symbolizes possessing a new life in Christ,
"so that we might walk in the newness of life" (Romans 6:4) So in Christ Jesus you are all
children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed
yourselves with Christ. (Galatians 3:26-27) (Galatians 1:4)

Water baptism by immersion is the biblical method of baptism because of its symbolic
representation of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.

The Lord's Supper:
The Lord's supper is symbolic. It points to that of the Old Covenant Passover.
The Passover lamb was to be sacrificed, and its blood was to be applied on the door posts of the Israelites homes; when God saw the blood, He passed over the door and the judgment of death was pardoned through a sinless sacrificial offering made for sin. (Exodus 12:1-13) (Hebrews 9:22)
In the New Testament Jesus is called our Passover Lamb. (John 1:29) (1 Corinth 5:7)
During the Passover celebration Jesus took bread and gave thanks to God.
As He broke it and gave it to His disciples, He said, "'This is my body given for you;
do this in remembrance of me.' In the same way, after the supper He took the cup, saying,
'This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you"' (Luke 22:19-21).

The bread symbolizes the broken body of the Lord Jesus, the cup symbolizes His shed blood. As we partake in communion, we are reminded of Christ's substitutional work on our behalf on the cross to make atonement for our sins. The blood of Jesus was the price paid for our sins, by this we know that we are saved from the guilt of our sins.
Christ's death proves that He incurred the wrath of God on our behalf for our sins,
Jesus was made an offering on account of sin "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us" (2 Corinthians 5:21) 
by this we know that we are saved from "the wages of sin which is death" because Jesus died in our place. (Romans 4:24-25)

As we partake in Communion, we remember Christ's sacrifice-for both elements portray and symbolize Christ's finished work on the Cross: Christ's blood forgives and cleanses us from all sin: past, present and future. His body crucified is proof that through Jesus' death He can now save us from not only the penalty of death but the power and bondage of sin, because our old
nature with it's power no longer has dominion over us (Romans 6:14) we are under the reign of another (Colossians 1:13)

The bread also symbolizes Christ body, the bread that we break, is it not the sharing of the body of Christ, for we, though many, are one bread and one body, for all we partake of the same bread. (1 Corinthians 10:16-17) now you are the members of Christ, and members individually, God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased, though diverse in
gifts, talents and personalities, we are in fact members of one another through Christ, and unified with the saints who have gone on before us in the Spirit.

As we remember His sacrifice we know that "we have passed from death unto life", a life free from spiritual bondage because we've now been united to Him in the likeness of His resurrection and ascension (Romans 6:11) (Romans 5:10-11)

The Lord's Supper is to be an ordinance as well as an observance, it is a remembrance of what Christ has accomplished for us and a celebration of the spiritual blessings that we receive as a result of His one-time perfect sacrifice. (Hebrews 7:24-28)
Any organization, group or club whose ministry is for the activity of Calvary Chapel,
shall be considered an auxiliary of the church and shall be subjected to the interpretation of
the Statement of Faith and the Bylaws put forward by the Board of Elders that are written herein.
All auxiliary organizations shall exist only in corporation with the Senior Pastor/Executive
Pastor/and or Board of Elders.
Property Right: 

The title to all real property of the corporation shall be in the name of Calvary Chapel, no Board Member shall have any individual property rights in the form of assets of the corporation.
In the event that the corporation is dissolved, the properties shall be sold and all proceeds, above liabilities, shall be divided among the current mission and or other churches of similar faith and doctrine as determined by the Board of Elders.