Prayer Requests

Current Prayer Requests

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
-Matthew 7:7

To add your prayer to this list or update your request, please click HERE to fill out a form
Or call the church office at (541)476-6827.

10/7: Bob Bushnell • Continue to pray for Bob as he’s healing. Prayers for strength and energy for him and Diane.

9/29: Prayers for the Krause family.

9/29: Laurie • Pray for finances for her woodshop business.

9/29: Gale  Prayers for her friend’s nephew who is suicidal.

9/29: Gail • Pray for my sister Judy who has a rare illness that is affecting her ability to walk. Also, pray for healing for her knees.

9/29: Ellen  Prayers for the Children’s Ministry.

9/29: Jaci • Pray for strength and comfort for her, and healing for Bob.

9/29: Linda • Pray for strength, peace, and energy for all those who struggle with physical and emotional pain.

9/24: Melissa R. • Please pray legal proceedings stop immediately, that my marriage is saved and that my husband comes home to me and our 3 year old daughter. Thank you so much.

9/22: Kathy • Prayers for my hot water heater in my apartment. Pray that the owners will fix it so I don’t run out.

9/18: Please pray for a family struggling with sickness and pain.

9/18: Anonymous • Pray that my daughter’s breast cancer surgery goes well and that she will heal quickly.

9/18: Christy • Pray for all things to go as the Lord wills; that I stay out of my own way; that I give all things to the Lord immediately. Also, that my baby can be in child care here at Calvary Kids.

9/18: Anonymous  Pray that my ex-mother-in-law will enjoy her new home. Pray for traveling mercies as she travels to see her sister in California, then to her daughter in Texas.

9/18: Pattie • Prayers for my friend Andie. She lives in Texas and has started a Pre-School. Pray that she gets enough children so that she can stay open.

9/18: Please pray for the Children’s Ministry.
Bless the teachers that they may bring the message of Jesus to the children.

9/18: Pray for the U.S. That we can go back to the principles on which it was founded.

9/18: Pray for the Calvary Kids Pre-School; that all the spots will be filled and that the children and parents will come to know the Lord.

9/18: Pray for Staci Blanchard as she has ovarian cancer. Pray that the Lord will heal her and
that she has peace and comfort while she goes through the therapy.

9/5: Kandie • Prayers that the doctors can give her a new medicine for her allergies.

Continued prayers for: Pastor Aaron, Antonia, Anne K., Janice H., Pastor George, Faye shores, Carol Walt, Laura T., Monica V., R.J.W.,
Dave L., Helen S., Don Coons, and all others that struggle with chronic health issues. Pray for God’s healing touch and strength!
Thank you!

Prayer Request Form

We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Our team prays for all the prayer requests we receive on a regular basis.
Personal information like name and phone number are optional. Leave these blank to remain anonymous, or fill it in if you would like us to follow up and pray with you.